Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Brighter Side Of Sorrow

                             ''tears are words the heart can't express''

Most of the world perceives sadness negatively.The reason behind that is sadness is always a reaction for a negative incident.The incident could be as simple as watching a sad flick or could be the outcome of a severe incident like losing a loved one.If we look at the world in a logical manner then we would think that the intensity of sorrow would be directly proportional to the severity of the incident. But like all human emotions sadness is also impractical,which is not a negative thing as impracticality is what makes humans so humane.If we were based purely on practicality how would we be different from the food processor in our kitchen?Our world is beautiful because its impractical.Impracticality is how something extraordinary takes place,well same goes for sadness.Sometimes people do not react to grave situations,and sometimes even little things said by loved ones hurt so much that a 50yr old cries like a little baby.

No matter how tough a person tries to be at the end of the day he is human and like all humans he must face all emotions a human heart bears.The weirdest part is that all of us try to escape from sadness even though all of us know that its inevitable.But why do we run from sadness?Isn't sadness what makes us human?Sadness is the emotion which shows that we don't want bad things to happen to us or others.Being sad for someone is the most selfless emotion a human can show.It proves that we care.I think happiness is overrated.sadness is the emotion which brings us together in a real way. Now don't tell me that sadness is not pleasurable.if that was true we wouldn't be reading sad novels or cry in front of the t.v while watching titanic.The truth is sadness makes us feel more alive and we all need it in a limited dosage.too much happiness makes us selfish and arrogant,ever wondered why the devil is always shown smiling?

When you are sad you would never imagine hurting someone else because you know what it feels like to get hurt.So in short sorrow makes us more humble.People often wish for a world where there is no sadness,i hope that day never comes.I believe that sorrow is the essence of humanity.


  1. You have a capability to overlook the usual side of a coin and dig another one which is very good.
    Beautifully written, Divyank. =]

  2. Beautifully written Divyank :) I love your perspective towards all of it :) :)

  3. I love you! :*

    *trying to give an outlet to the stupid over-whelming feeling popping inside me*
